Hey there! Thank you so much for booking with me, I can’t wait to meet you! It’d be awesome if you could fill out all the necessary paperwork before our appointment (at least 24 hours in advance) as that will help us make the most of our time together. Looking forward to helping you reach your goals!
Consultation FREE
Start your journey towards transformation with a FREE 30-min Hypnosis Consultation! Learn about the power of hypnosis, clear all your doubts & gain the confidence you need to take the next step. If you're ready to dive into this life-changing experience, skip the consultation & get started now! During your sessions, get tailored recommendations for your unique situation. Unlock your true potential by scheduling your consultation today!
Hypnosis Session $130
2 Hour meeting for the development of your Personal Change Blueprint. Hypnotic suggestions are developed from this time together. Within 24 hours you will receive a highly personalized recording.The benefit of using this process is that you can listen to the recording where and when it suits your individual needs.You will benefit from the accessibility to listen to your hypnosis session with appropriate frequency.
- Smoking Cessation $195
My services include both Single Smoking Sessions and Smoking Sessions with 2 follow ups. In case you are uncertain about which one would be the best fit for you, I encourage you to schedule a consultation with us or go ahead and book the Smoking Session with 2 follows ups, which we can adjust if needed during your appointment. I recommend the Smoking Session with the 2 follow ups to ensure the best possible outcome. That being said, I recognize that some hypnosis clients have successfully quit smoking with just the Single Session. My priority is to help you reach your goals and I am happy to discuss the options with you.
Quit Smoking Hypnosis with Follow Up check-ins $320
This option includes everything you get with the Single Session options along with 2 follow ups. The 1st follow up is scheduled for 2 weeks after your initial session. Depending on your progress, we will either make another, more aggressive, hypnosis recording or I will introduce you to EFT to eliminate any residual cravings. The 2nd follow up is 2-4 weeks later depending on your progress. I will evaluate your progress and either do another hypnosis recording, or teach you to do self-hypnosis.